Type(s): International / Intergovernmental Organisation
Scope: International
CCASCOE aims to be an internationally recognized hub of expertise on climate change and security for military and civilian experts and decision-makers.
The centre work with governmental and non-governmental organizations, think tanks, academia and industry to stimulate innovative solutions, encourage closer collaboration among NATO Allies and partners and across different types of organizations, gather and streamline knowledge and expertise in one dedicated hub, and increase the awareness of decision-makers and the broader public on the pressing need of taking concrete actions to preserve Allied security.
Key Activities:
CCASCOE’s efforts support the implementation of the NATO Climate Change and Security Action Plan and contribute to NATO’s overall military readiness, deterrence and defence posture. To achieve this, we work on four fronts:
Website: https://ccascoe.org/
Featured Publication(s)::Advancing Climate Security Together
Featured Event(s): Montreal Climate Security Summit 2024
TOPICS / Subjects: